Dense fog on LHHT
Raccoon Lake

Surreal Morning at Raccoon Creek

The weather has been really cold here in the Pittsburgh region. After Christmas, we got dumped with tons of snow. I would say a good 7-8 ft. Other areas outside of the city got more…much more. After the holiday dust settled and life seemed to be getting back to normal, I suddenly woke up sick last week. I was down and out with the flu all of last week. I watched it snow more and more, wishing I could go out and play. I drank tons of straight Vitamin C powder, that stuff is so sour, bit it knocked this flu right out of me in short order. We had a quick warm up in the region, cold ground and warm temps brought on this dense fog. It formed over a better half of the day, friday. This was perfect and no better time to go the park! I got up early Saturday, I knew the fog would still be dense although patchy as I drive out to Raccoon Creek State Park. Dense and patchy it was, there was zero visibility when hitting a foggy patch. It was still pre-dawn dark. This has to be my favorite part of the day! Arriving at the park I noticed areas that were completely choked off by the fog. Good thing I know my way. I was able to find my favorite spot next to the lake in no time. As I pulled in to park, I was surprised at this blinking light traveling in front of me. It was a biker taking advantage of the nice warm temps in January. I gathered up my gear and headed out on the trail that follows the lake. Soft morning light began to peak through. I saw this wonderful lonely tree not to far off-shore. It was surrounded by a thick cake of dense fog, as was the entire lake. I shortly realized that a good part of the lake was frozen. I wasn’t about to test how frozen though. The morning light continued with soft hues of purple which the fog defused. The birds woke up and started chirping. All and all a perfect morning to be out and about.

2 thoughts on “Surreal Morning at Raccoon Creek

  1. Haunting but beautiful capture. Weather conditions here in NE the same but I couldn’t take advantage of the photo opportunities. Good job!

  2. Haunting but beautiful capture. The weather conditions are the same here in New England, but unfortunately I was unable to take advantage of a great photo opportunity. Way to go!

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