I switched to NiSi Filters

NiSi V6 Holder and CPL review
The NiSi V6 holder and CPL filter just arrived. I promptly opened the box and affixed to my camera so here are some initial thoughts. Three step-up rings were included, 77mm, 72mm, and a 67mm. These are what you use to attach to the CPL filter ring, which is 82mm. This is a nice touch that those rings are included, I also purchased the 49mm step up ring for my Fuji 16mm lens. First thing I noticed was that the step-up rings were very thin, they are metal, as is the main holder, which is what I’m used to coming from the LEE system (Lee’s main holder is thick plastic). Thin though they feel very strong and this seems done to cut down on the bulk. Everything fixed to my lens nicely and I don’t have initial fear that I will be dropping this filter, like I did the last. This is because of the way the CPL sits in the filter holder. It’s slightly recessed and screws in. I recommend screwing the holder for the CPL on your lens first and then screwing in the CPL filter. The CPL filter allows for the CPL to be tuned independently from the Neutral Density filter (ND), for me this means not having to worry about the filters falling off. I really like the fact that NiSi included the CPL filter with the kit. This was a huge reason why I decided to go this route. The CPL filter was also thin, but that’s due to it needing to fit into the holder. It’s also nice that I can use the components separately, say if I only wanted to shoot with the CPL, which I often do.
I am coming from the Lee Foundations System, which I’ve used for many many years. It was a good system for me and they just released a newer version of their filter holder that offers a locking pin just like the NiSi. What attracted me to the NiSi is that I just switched to the Fuji system, I was reading that the adapter ring I needed from the Lee system had a little play in it and wasn’t as snug against the 16mm Lens I’ve been using from Fuji, sure enough this is correct and led to the breakage of my 100mm square polarizer I was using. Lee also offers a CPL filter that fixes to the front of their holder. I never went that route due to the expense. I’m also not sure if it spins independently if you want to use an ND filter with the CPL. This is the main reason I made the switch.
Now using the NiSi for the better part of a few weeks I really like the system and love the photo’s that I’ve made using the CPL. I have two complaints, one I like how the Lee filter adapter fixed to my lens. The pin pulled back far enough allowing for easy attachment. The NiSi pin doesn’t pull as far back. The other thing that I dislike is that the NiSi step-up ring does get stuck to the CPL adapter. This has been quite a pain. I’ve had to take off the CPL and hold it against me and then take off the step-up ring. That’s so far been the most glaring defect.
All in all though I’ll likely stick with the NiSi system now because of the ability to independently spin the CPL when using an ND filter. My old Lee system I was using two square 100mm filters, the polarizer and an ND which didn’t spin independently and I ended up breaking two filters this way. If I find that the Lee CPL does spin independently then I’m inclined to go back to the Lee system since I have not bought the NiSi 10-stop ND yet.
Some initial sample images I’ve taken with the NiSi Landscape CPL